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BHKS FinTech Webinar (30 March 2021)

Financial services sector accounts for over 20% of Hong Kong's GDP.  The HKSAR Government has made FinTech a priority, with impressive results.  The BHKS FinTech Webinar on 30 March 2021 (Tuesday) discussed in detail the rapid rise of Hong Kong as a welcoming and increasingly diverse FinTech hub, by our panel of leading figures in the industry.

- Welcome by Alexander De Beir, Chairman, BHKS
- Introduction of keynote speakers by Jame DiBiasio, Founder & Editor of DigFin, HK
- Presentation by King Leung, Head of FinTech, InvestHK, HKSAR Government
- Presentation by Benjamin Quinlan, Chairman, FinTech Association of Hong Kong
- Presentation by Virginie Van der Donckt, Director of Credit, Velotrade, HK
- Q&A Session
- Closing by Hans De Backer, Treasurer, BHKS

 Click here for the recording of the webinar.