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"Legends of Lion Dance" - Exhibition

The BHKS sponsored the third edition of the “Legends of Lion Dance” exhibition on 18 January - 10 February 2019 at the Bibliotheek Permeke, the port city of Antwerp.

The "Legends of Lion Dance" exhibition was organised by Asian Events Tofoe, a non-profit-making organisation established by Hong Kong second-generation community members in Antwerp. The exhibition showcased 12 unique lion heads made and embroidered in Hong Kong. Visitors can learn how lion heads are made, the meaning of the lion dance, the traditions of Chinese New Year and their importance in Hong Kong culture.  

On the occasion of the opening of the Xiqu Centre in the West Kowloon Cultural District in Hong Kong, this year’s exhibition also introduces visitors to the Cantonese Opera with some Cantonese Opera costumes from Hong Kong being displayed in the exhibition.