06 July 2012 HKSAR Celebrates the 15th Anniversary & Manneken-Pis dressed up for the Celebration! We celebrated the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on 1 July 2012.
Since the return to Mainland China in 1997, the unique principle of “One Country, Two Systems” has been operating well. Hong Kong continues to enjoy a high degree of autonomy, keeping all its freedoms and its own economic and legal systems, as guaranteed by its constitutional document, the Basic Law. Hong Kong continues to practice free trade, with a free market, a free flow of capital and information and a freely convertible currency, the Hong Kong Dollar.
On 6 July, the Manneken-Pis in Brussels dressed up as a hip Hong Kong youngster to celebrate the 15th anniversary. The design of the suit embodies the East-meets-West aspects of Hong Kong in a way that is instantly recognisable. A black Sun Yat-sen jacket bearing the Brand Hong Kong logo on the front and the logo's coloured ribbons on the back is teamed with a pair of trendy black jeans and red shoes with white laces. A tablet computer, a must-have accessory in Hong Kong, completes the costume. The special costume was designed and produced in Hong Kong. A presentation ceremony and reception was held at the Town Hall of the City of Brussels. Over 100 guests including Ambassadors from China,Japan and Vietnam, as well as BHKS members attended. The costume is displayed at the Museum of the City of Brussels.
Apart from Brussels, a wide variety of more than 300 events and activities are being held in Hong Kong and other overseas cities to highlight the successful implementation of “One Country, Two Systems”