The Permanent Secretary of Transport and Housing (Transport) Mr Francis HO, together with representatives of the Hong Kong Logistics Development Council (“LOGSCOUNCIL”) visited Brussels on 25 November 2009. Amongst others, the delegation met with the European Commission, Belgian Government and representatives from the business and logistics sectors.
The BHKS and the HKETO organised a luncheon on 25 Nov for the delegation at Sheraton Brussels Hotel. Mr Francis HO also delivered a keynote speech on challenges and prospects of Hong Kong as the Asian Inter-modal logistics hubs. Many BHKS members attended the event. Please click here (not linked) for event photos.
The 9th Hong Kong Forum was attended by more than 360 Federation associates from 19 countries. The BHKS was represented by Mr Georges Legros who is also the Vice-Chairman, Federation of Hong Kong Business Associations Worldwide.
For further details of the event, please click here.
The Hong Kong Film Panorama in Brussels was held from 7 to 15 December 2009 at CINEMATEK. The BHKS and the HKETO continued to cooperate with the CINEMATEK to bring Hong Kong films to Brussels. This year, the Hong Kong Film Panorama Brussels also took place within the framework of Europalia.China arts festival.
13 Hong Kong films were shown during the whole period. They included 6 films produced in 2008 and a restrospective of 7 films from a well-known Hong Kong director, TSUI Hark. Amongst them, 2 of the 7 films from Director TSUI are exclusively screened for the Film Panorama in Brussels.
The opening reception was held on 7 December. Over 120 guests attended the event, including the BHKS Chairman, Mr Piet Steel and Board members, Count Paul Lippens and Mr Gérard Yeung.
BHKS cooperated with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, UNIZO and the BCECC to organize a seminar “Opportunities for Belgian SME’s in Hong Kong” on December 16 2009 at Cultuurcentrum Hasselt in Hasselt.
Belgium-Hong Kong Society
Rue d'Arlon 118,
1040 Brussels
Tel. : +32 (0) 2775 0088